FY26 Ready Regions Funding Opportunity

Regiones preparadasVECF is pleased to announce an upcoming opportunity for organizations to apply to lead Ready Regions early childhood systems coordination efforts in Virginia, beginning July 1, 2026.

The statewide Ready Regions network, established in the Code of Virginia (§ 22.1-289.05), is responsible for leading regional early childhood systems building and coordinating early childhood care and education services in nine Virginia regions so that all children birth to five can thrive. Ready Regions lead agencies are responsible for providing strategic leadership, assuring full implementation of core responsibilities, and convening public and private partners to collaborate on strengthening Virginia’s early childhood systems.

Through a triennial competitive process, one lead agency will be identified to lead early childhood systems building work in each of the nine Ready Regions (Ready Regions map). Required Letters of Intent (LOI) and full applications will be reviewed by an external panel of experts. A timeline and list of resources can be found below. Check back frequently, as these will be updated throughout the LOI and application process.


06/25/24: Informational Webinar at 12:00pm (view recording HERE; slides available HERE)

07/15/24: Required Letter of Intent (LOI) Released (apply through Foundant, VECF’s Grants Management system, and sign up for 1:1 technical assistance, if needed, via Doodle.)

07/16/24: LOI Webinar at 12:00pm (view recording HERE; slides available HERE)                                *review of the LOI webinar (whether live or via recording) is required for all applicants

08/16/24: LOIs Due (by midnight)

09/18/24: Application Released to Applicants (identified by external panel)

09/19/24: Application Webinar for Applicants (identified by external panel)

10/30/24: Applications Due (by midnight)

01/10/25: Awards Announced

07/01/25: Funding Begins

*Please note, dates are subject to change.

VECF will offer one-on-one and group technical assistance sessions to address questions throughout the LOI and application process. Dates and times will be announced at a later date. 

For comments and questions, please send inquiries to info@vecf.org.

Recursos de subvención: