Mixed Delivery Program 

Building Relationships  •  Increasing Access  •  Strengthening Quality  • Engaging Families  

What is Mixed Delivery?​

Quality early learning experiences are an essential element to preparing children to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. This impact is life-long — children who participate in high-quality early childhood care and education (ECCE) programs are more likely to finish college, get high-paying jobs, and be healthier later in life. VECF’s Mixed Delivery program provides publicly funded ECCE services in licensed (non-faith-based), private ECCE settings for eligible children. It funds full-day, year-round ECCE services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, meeting growing demand for publicly funded ECCE at private sites that meet the varied needs and preferences of families.  

To learn more, or to contact a Mixed Delivery initiative, email Abigail@vecf.org.

I'm interested in applying for a Mixed Delivery Grant!

Child care is not a nice-to have, it’s a must-have. Child care should be convenient, affordable and available in every neighborhood.

Where is Mixed Delivery available?

Mixed Delivery Map Test
Ready Region Southwest: Region 1 Ready Region West: Region 2 Ready Region Southside: Region 3 Ready Region Central: Region 4 Ready Region Southeastern: Region 5 Ready Region Chesapeake Bay: Region 6 Ready Region Capital Area: Region 7 Ready Region North Central: Region 8 Ready Region Blue Ridge: Region 9

Ready Region Southwest: Region 1

*Carroll County
*Dickenson County
Floyd County
Galax City
*Giles County
*Lee County
*Montgomery County
Pulaski County
*Radford City
*Russell County
*Smyth County
*Tazewell County
*Washington County
*Wise County
Wythe County

Ready Region West: Region 2

Botetourt County
*Craig County
Franklin County
Lexington City
Roanoke City
Rockbridge County
Salem City

Ready Region Southside: Region 3

Amherst County
Bedford County
Campbell County
*Danville City
Halifax County
Lynchburg City
*Prince Edward County
South Boston

Ready Region Central: Region 4

*Chesterfield County
Colonial Heights City
*Dinwiddie County
*Emporia City
*Henrico County
Hopewell City
Petersburg City
*Richmond City

Ready Region Southeastern: Region 5

*Accomack County
*Chesapeake City
*Franklin City
*Norfolk City
*Portsmouth City
*Suffolk City
Virginia Beach City

Ready Region Chesapeake Bay: Region 6

Gloucester County
*Hampton City
Middlesex County
Newport News City
Westmoreland County
York County

Ready Region Capital Area: Region 7

Alexandria City

Ready Region North Central: Region 8

*Manassas Park City
*Prince William County
Spotsylvania County
*Stafford County

Ready Region Blue Ridge: Region 9

Albemarle County
Augusta County
*Charlottesville City
*Fluvanna County
Harrisonburg City
Louisa County
Orange County
Page County
Rappahannock County
Rockingham County
Shenandoah County
Staunton City
Waynesboro City
*Winchester City

This map reflects localities where Mixed Delivery is offered in each of the 9 Ready Regions.

Mixed Delivery primarily serves preschoolers (ages 3 and 4); Localities serving infants, toddlers, and/or 2-year-olds are starred.

Prince Edward and Wise counties only serve infants, toddlers, and/or 2-year-olds through Mixed Delivery.

What is Mixed Delivery For Families?

Mixed Delivery is available in many communities in Virginia and allows families the option of choosing a high-quality, publicly funded, private ECCE provider (center or family day home) that meets their child and family’s needs and preferences.  

What is Mixed Delivery For School Divisions?

Mixed Delivery allows school divisions to work with private ECCE providers to expand access to publicly funded preschool services. Schools can work with Ready Regions to use VPI and Head Start in combination with Mixed Delivery in private settings. In addition to providing preschool this provides families with flexible options that meet their needs and preferences. 

What is Mixed Delivery For Programs?

Mixed Delivery provides contract-based public funding to private (non-faith-based) ECCE providers to serve eligible children, preparing them for success in school and life. In 2023, Mixed Delivery began reimbursing participating sites using the Cost-of-Quality, which estimates the true cost of running a high-quality ECCE site, including quality improvements and competitive compensation for early childhood educators. 

What is Mixed Delivery For Children?

High-quality ECCE services provide children with nurturing and responsive care that prepares them for success in school and life. Quality ECCE services can increase child and parent wellbeing, reduce the need for special education, increase high school and college graduation, and increase income in adulthood. Importantly, affordable, or free ECCE services can also raise children and families out of poverty. 

What is Mixed Delivery For Virginia?

By offering full-day, year-round ECCE at low or no cost to eligible families, Mixed Delivery allows parents to join or return to the workforce. Parents can focus on work, feeling secure that their children are in safe and high-quality learning environments, which supports family finances and Virginia’s economy. 

What is Mixed Delivery for Early Educators?

Early childhood educators are skilled professionals who care for and educate our youngest children and deserve to be compensated fairly for the critical work that they do. Low wages in the early educator workforce are a primary reason that educators leave their jobs. In 2023, Mixed Delivery started reimbursing its sites at rates based on the Cost-of-Quality, which estimates the true cost of operating a high-quality ECCE site. This model allows and encourages sites to invest in the workforce by increasing early educators’ salaries and benefits. This improves educator wellbeing, income, and willingness to remain in the field.