Ready Regions

With steady investment and bipartisan support from Virginia’s governors and legislature, local Smart Beginnings have brought public and private leaders together to collaborate on priorities for young children since 2005. Building from this asset, Ready Regions® brings unprecedented levels of coordination, accountability, and family engagement to early education programs in every community in the Commonwealth.
As of July 1, 2022, Ready Regions are helping every Virginia community to be:
- Accountable. Virginia’s early education system must prepare children for success.
- Parent-centered. Families must be engaged in designing a system that works for them.
- Responsive. Parents must be able to choose the child care they want and need.
- Reliable. Early education programs need consistent supports to deliver quality services.
- Bold. Every community in Virginia should be a place where families can thrive.
For more information about Ready Regions or VQB5, please contact your Ready Regions Lead.
Click on the map below to learn more about each Ready Region.

Learn more about VQB5
VDOE: Quality Measurement and Improvement (VQB5)
VQB5: Virginia’s Unified Measurement and Improvement System (2022-2023)
VQB5 Support:
RecognizeB5 is a component of VQB5 that provides direct financial incentives to eligible teachers, with the goal of reducing teacher turnover in child care and family day homes, where wages are significantly lower than in comparable settings. The program is open to both Lead and Assistant teachers working in publicly-funded child care and family day home sites that are participating in VQB5.
RecognizeB5 2024-2025 Guidelines & FAQ
RecognizeB5 Guidelines 2024-2025 [ENGLISH] [SPANISH]
RecognizeB5 FAQ 2024-2025 [ENGLISH]
RecognizeB5 Support: 804-358-8323 Ext. 129 or
Learn more LinkB5
LinkB5 is an online data portal for early childhood care and education providers serving children ages birth to five, to document program-, classroom-, and teacher-level data, and is the home for VQB5 Ratings and registration for the RecognizeB5 program.
LinkB5 Support: 1-833-554-6525 or